Today our nation stops to remember, honor, and thank our veterans. Words can hardly be enough to repay their sacrifice of time, comfort, often horrible injuries, and often death to protect our freedom. There is more you can do. Here is an article listing ways you can get involved in supporting the members of our military in a variety of ways.
If you are like me, you probably have a stash of cards you have made but never mailed out. What better way to use them than to send them to our troops overseas and in hospitals to encourage them while they are on active duty.
One group I particularly like is From Our Hearts, This wonderful group of stampers recognizes the need for military personnel oversea to have access to greeting cards to send back home to their family and friends. There are no Hallmark stores or any of the big box stores that also carry greeting cards. Typically these cards are sent to the chaplain who puts them out in the chapel for anyone to take for free. Sometimes a box of hundreds of cards is gone within two hours so you know the demand is high. Box up those cards and even make a bunch just for this purpose and send them to From Our Hearts. All the information you need is on their website.
Other groups of stampers who send cards that you might consider are:
- Soldiers’ Angels – Cards Plus,
- Operation Write Home,
- Cards for Troops to Send Home,
- Operation We Are Here,
Now go gather up your stash of cards and share them with those who are sacrificing for our freedom!