Happy Birthday, Harry Houdini

Harry HoudiniToday is the anniversary of the birth of Harry Houdini. Houdini is famous for his ability to escape from any amount of chains and bindings, even being bound up with chains and being held head down in a tank of water.

You, too, can be an escape artist! How? By spending time creating beautiful cards and other art projects using rubber stamps, ink, scissors, glue, and card stock. Yes…you too can escape the humdrum or hectic pace of your life for a while and enjoy the creative process of rubber stamping.

I would love to show you how so check out my class schedule or gather some friends and I'll come to your house and hold a workshop for you.

Thanks for stopping by today. Grab a cup of coffee or tea and take a break while you browse my projects. If you like what you see and want more inspiration, subscribe to my monthly newsletter by filling in the box to the right.

Until your next visit…blessings,
Sue Erickson

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