Terrific Tuesday – New MDS downloads

It is a gorgeous Tuesday here in the Skagit Valley with sun and temperatures in the 70’s. A breeze keeps it from getting too hot. I am working on graduations cards which I will post in the next couple of days but wanted to stop and share the new MDS digital downloads and the new Weekly Deals with you. The new downloads are shown below. Click on those that interest you to find out more details and order them.

The new 2014-2015 catalogs are almost here! If you would like a free copy, email me with your phone number, time zone, and the best time to call you. Before I can send you a copy, I need to have a conversation with you. I love giving out free catalogs!
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About Sue

I am an independent Stampin' Up! demonstrator with over 19 years experience. I am addicted to rubber stamping,and paper crafting in general. I thrive on sharing this experience and knowledge with others through classes and workshops.

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