Stampin’ Up! is celebrating 35 years of business this month by offering a 35% Off Starter Kit Special. Yes! This is a very rare offer but it ends at midnight MDT on October 31. If you love Stampin’ Up! products like I do, you’ll want to join my team of demonstrators and start your own business.
I have been a demonstrator for 22 years and can’t imagine not being one. Here are some of my reasons:
- Your time is flexible. You are allowed to spend as much time on your home-based business as you want as long as you meet the $300 minimum sales per quarter. There have been times when I had a lot of customers and times when I have been my best and almost only customer. Since I work part-time at another job, I don’t spend much time on my Stampin’ Up! home-based business and only make enough to cover some of my expenses. It is all up to you.
- You get a discount. I do enjoy purchasing my products at a 25% discount and getting to purchase some of the products before the catalogs go live.
- It’s like Christmas when a brown Stampin’ Up! box arrives. When my order of Stampin’ Up! products arrives, I feel like it is Christmas again. It is exciting to get new ‘toys’ to play with.
- You make long-lasting friendships not only locally but even overseas. Although I don’t earn free trips and have to pay to go to On Stage Live, the three days spent with thousands of demonstrators, all excited to share with each other and to learn about new products, the event is a highlight for me. The second convention I went to was in Florida and I went by myself. While doing the Make And Takes, I met Ruthie Burkey, a demonstrator from Ft. Worth, TX. We chummed around together during the convention and in the years since have been roommates and best friends. I lived in Alaska at the time and would not have met Ruthie if it weren’t for being a demonstrator
- It’s fun! I have fun while working and feeding my creative nature.
This 35% Off Starter Kit Special is only good for a week longer. Contact me, sue@soggystamper.com, to discuss how you can benefit from this special and from being on my team of demonstrators. You can also click this link for more information. Don’t delay. If you love card-making and/or scrapbooking this is for you!